Terms & Conditions

Cancellation policy

Mud Pie Explorers policies and procedures are working documents; therefore, they will be reviewed annually and when the need arises through changes to legislation or practice.

There will be occasions when cancellations are unavoidable, for us and our service users. The procedure sets out how we decide to cancel and how we deal with cancellations.

When families cancel a weekly class

Cancelling a space in a weekly class requires at least 1 MONTH’S NOTICE via email (office@mud-pies.co.uk). Even if a child does not attend, the space needs to be paid for during the one-month notice period. Funded spaces also require 1 month’s notice. 

When we cancel

Mud Pie Explorers will cancel sessions if:

  • The weather poses a safety risk. Examples include high winds speeds, thunderstorms, flooding and other extreme weather.
  • There is staff illness
  • There are other unforeseen safety or staff issues
  • Numbers of bookings do not cover costs
  • If payment has not been received 72 hours prior to the event
  • If a child is inappropriately dressed

As much notice as possible will be given of cancellation.


We do not issue a refund if:

  • The weather poses a safety risk. Examples include high winds speeds, thunderstorms, flooding and other extreme weather.
  • If a child is inappropriately dressed.

Our session fees for weekly term time sessions are calculated using an average of 39 weeks of the school year. This means that our refund rates for 2023/24 are:

After school clubs £8.75

Forest School £16

Other cancelled sessions, such as school holiday activities, will be refunded at 100% of the fee paid.

Complaints policy and procedure

Mud Pie Explorers policies and procedures are working documents; therefore, they will be reviewed annually and when the need arises through changes to legislation or practice.

At Mud Pie Explorers we take the views and needs of visitors, learners, team members and other stakeholders very seriously. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service we encourage you to let us know. 

Complaints may be informal or formal. Informal complaints can be dealt with by way of a conversation (either by email or face-to-face) and are dealt with by the most relevant member of the staff team. A formal complaint requires investigation and the involvement of Mud Pie Explorers Directors.

Informal complaints

All complaints shall first be dealt with as informal and follow this process.

If you are unhappy with the service provided by Mud Pie Explorers you are encouraged to first speak to the person leading your session. If you are not sure who this is, ask any team member and they can let you know.

If your child is not in a session or the complaint is not session related please speak with our Manager, details below.

We will work with you to understand the nature and cause of the complaint and to come to a resolution. This may involve:

  • Changes to the way we work with specific individuals
  • Changes to our policies/ procedures/ risk assessments
  • Explaining our ethos and why we work the way we do
  • A refund
  • The offer of a free session
  • Something else
  • No other action from us

The leader will make a written record of the informal complaint and send it to the relevant Manager below (using an incident form). The leader and the person making the complaint are both invited to speak to the Manager about possible resolutions during this stage. 

Manager - Colleen Gough

Phone - 07960 292 692

Email - colleen@mud-pies.co.uk

This process will be completed within 7 days of the initial complaint. If for whatever reason this doesn’t feel appropriate or the person making the complaint is not satisfied with the response, they will be offered the option of being in touch with a Director of Mud Pie Explorers. This is when a complaint becomes formal.

Formal complaints

If a complaint is not resolved informally the Directors of the CIC will name a Director to investigate the concerns. This will usually be the Managing Director.

Managing Director - Nickie Corr

Phone - 07538 547 151

Email - nickie@mud-pies.co.uk

This will involve:

  • Talking to all concerned to ascertain what happened, when it happened and the reasons behind decisions
  • Speaking to others involved in the session/ present at the time
  • Documenting the process through compiling a report giving an overview of the situation and suggestions for resolution/ compensation, if any

This process will be completed within 14 days of the completion of the informal complaint phase with the writing of a report with a clear decision about the outcome. All parties will be made aware of the outcome of the formal complaint, in writing.